lunes, 28 de julio de 2008


Me rindo...

De esto y de todo.

De esperar milagros...

Me rindo a seguir hablando de más.

I give up hope...

A seguir pensando que soy buen prospecto...

De resignarme a aceptar todo lo que se posa bajo mis ojos como la realidad!

De esconderme, del miedo al que diras tú, o tú, o tú o tú, o tú, o tú!

Pues aquí estoy, sin importar si me entienden o no. Me rindo, pateo el balde, tiro la toalla, viro la esquina. Esto es lo que soy!

Keeping a secret, a death bloom inside of me... Something rotten now, something that once was beautiful and inspiring, that spark of brightness is gone, flew away. I killed it, I destroyed it with the help of some of you. I took apart the three parts that make me a human being: body, heart and mind. And maybe I like it this way, maybe I need this, my time to think, my WHATEVER! Where is balance when you choose to give up?

And then what was left? MIEDO. But not enough to shell myself inside, not enough to make me look the other way, not enough to make me STOP!

And at the end of the day I need a butterfly sent by you... A sweet butterfly... After the lies or the laughs, the words and the silence, it is my naked soul that still has not found it. IT... El eufemismo de la palabra a la que le temo, ESO, solo ESO... Perdido, ahogado, destrozado, partido, abandonado, traicionado, humillado, distanciado.

Quiero provocar la pregunta, conseguir que alguien regrese a ver, alguien que tenga la respueta, que pueda decirme "te entiendo, solo hazlo!" Y soltar mi mano para ver el después, el "to be continued..."

180... need to lookaway... turn my back... go back to the X! Once I felt, will I too again?

I really need something more, a little bit different, closer to yesterday...

Sigue siendo un gimoteo de atención... TODO ESTO... Who is the one supposed to open eyes, me or you? or you? or you? or you? or you? or you?


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