miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2008


The clock stopped early in the night and everything froze,
the thoughts of what we just saw are living still and slow.
Music set to rewind your heart and blank our heads,
Close your eyes, let the blue fill the room in silence.
Nothing is casual now, every little movement has a reason.
And I ask you for the first time, is this my gift?
I know, that days like this, coming once in a year are strange
Do not expect more than what I can get, I know.
Your answer frees through your lips in a whisper...
And the script in my mind dind't go right this time.
I ask you again to be sure, is this really my gift?
And the answer comes out wrong again.
I know you didn't see the movie in my mind for this.
Third time I ask and I lead you, is this my gift?
The idea is springing in your mind, it's obvious,
But the words out of your mouth are contradictory.
I thought I could have the answer sooner, I wait.
And then a kiss as a consolation for the moment.
You tell me to ask again, is this my gift today?
Your hands faintly shake for some reason I omit,
Can I make it easier? You ask, and I smile...
Now I feel your nose close enough to answer.
Fifth and last, the miracle, was that my gift?
You have no need now to open your eyes.
Everything is blue and quiet, noises on the background.
Chilling out, relaxing all your body, float.
Coming closer to enjoy the unavoidable crash.
There we were, no escape, closeness and speed.
Out of my body, somehwere else looking at me...
Time stopped and the air is getting colder
No words left to say, your eyes told me it all.
Feel the shiver walking through your skin,
Then I'll find the time to feel the same you did...
Fill me of the blue emotion, tell me I'm alive...

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