martes, 30 de octubre de 2007


Today, I kinda hate myself...

Any questions?

2 comentarios:

Alice dijo...


ABSUM dijo...

I forgot about the any question line... Ha ha!

Well, there are days and days. Somedays I feel I don't belong in this cold fast world and it seems like I am drawn in the outline, passive, seeing how people dig their own grave...

I don't know my future and when I think about it, I get completely lost... Have you ever felt that?

Oh, I must thank yoiu sincerely for opening my mind! Without you (and your blog) I might never have listened to Placebo... Now I do and I friggin' love to... Now I am deep inside it...

Speculum... I owe you many things in my life... This blog is in fact dedicated to you (just between you and I, of course... jejeje)!

That's it, but today... today I am uncertainly happy (don't even know why...)!

Days and days...

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